
Mt. Sterling

Nestled on the south hill slopes adjacent to the Missouri border, the community was once affectionately known as "Dog Town."

The Mt. Sterling area is known for its excellent hunting. There are nearly 3500 acres of private and public lands that are enrolled in a wetlands program. There are approximately 660 acres of shallow water wetlands that stretch for over 7 miles. Several hundred acres of hardwood & softwood tees, native grasses and natural veegtation is home to over 100 different species of wildlife including ducks, geese, swans, turkey, deer, pheasant, quail, otters and eagles.

Mt. Sterling Betterment Association was organized in order to promote growth in the community.  Its first project was playground facilities for the community's youth.

Mt. Sterling is now unincorporated and falls under the jurisdiction of Van Buren County. They have no "official" city government.


Mt. Sterling photo

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